Monday, October 25, 2010

Screencasting Example

In this video, an instructor teaches the viewer how to use Skype. The first step is to type in Skype's web address ( into the Internet browser's address bar at the top. Next, the visitor should click on Download and follow the instructions for downloading the software. While following the steps, the user should check to make sure the downloading software is compatible with whichever platform the user has (PC or MAC). Once download is complete, open up the program. MAC users should drap Skype into their applications. PC and MAC users are encouraged to place the software on their desktop or dashboard.

When describing any kind of online activity or how to use some software program, screencasting is has far more advantages than written instructions. This is because screencasting is a far more visual method in which the viewers may see with their own eyes the instructor completing each of the necessary steps to accomplish the desired task. Viewers can become familiar with icons and jargon related to the specific program.

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